Thursday, June 21, 2012

Flip my Bits Cheat Sheet and Code Snippets

I have been chewing through over a thousand pages of various technical publications on the MSP430, the LaunchPad Labs and some great blogs in an effort to not only master this chip for myself, but to also create a good novice user guide. These are a work in progress and will certainly be updated.

I'll also state that my chip of choice within the MSP430 Value Line has become the MSP430G3533 because out of 40 chips, it is available, and has the most peripherals (I must have a UART and an ADC!)
I get mine from Mouser.

Flip My Bits: Register Manipulation and C Refresher [Link]

MSP430 Code Snippets [Link]

My other interests [Link]

1 comment:

  1. Cool stuff James, thanks for sharing. I purchased a few Luanchpad kits over a year ago, then got busy with other stuff, and now I am blowing the dust of the boards. I just downloaded the latest CCS and want to build a wireless buzzer.
    Keep up the blog. Love it!
